• The Chamber - The Pulse
  • The Pulse

  • At the heart of every community lies a pulse, the very essence that drives its growth and resilience. A community cannot thrive without leveraging its core opportunities, nor can it grow without overcoming its greatest challenges.  

    Welcome to The Pulse of Fargo Moorhead West Fargo, where we confront everything from workforce challenges and education to public policy and health and safety. To keep our community vibrant and thriving, our citizens must engage in discussions on pivotal issues and groundbreaking opportunities, exploring ways to stay ahead of the curve and strengthen our region. 

    Join us each month for The Pulse, a program brought to you by the FMWF Chamber. You'll hear from industry visionaries, key public figures and the individuals living, working and breathing through some of our area's most crucial issues. 

    Are you ready to make a difference?

  • Up next for The Pulse


  • Each month, we choose a new topic based on current issues around the region to keep you in the know. If there’s a session you would like to suggest, please contact Cale Dunwoody at cdunwoody@fmwfchamber.com.

